

August 06 - 08

11:00am-12:00pm EDT


多年来,我们一直在举办有关国际贸易术语解释通则基础知识的研讨会. 然而,在我们的日常生活中实施它们往往会带来更大的挑战.

In this webinar, 我们将深入探讨在像您这样的企业中造成困惑的具体现实场景. 通过深刻的讨论和实际的例子, 我们将为您提供所需的知识和技能,使您自信地将国际贸易术语解释通则应用到您的日常业务中.

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Q3 US Ocean Market Update

August 08

8:00am-9:00am PST



请加入Expeditors美国海洋产品领导者的海洋市场更新网络研讨会. Topics to be discussed include:

• Capacity
• Demand
• Carrier Update
• Outside Factors
• 2024 Outlook

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Supply Chain Resilience & Scope 3 Emissions

August 09

3:00pm-4:00pm IST



这个针对印度的网络研讨会侧重于供应链弹性,并巧妙地将其与可持续性联系起来. 这两个主题与我们的目标组织和合作对象越来越相关.

Our speaker, Justin Kyngdon, 将讨论供应链中弹性的要求和重要性, 以及第3类排放,以及为什么在不断变化的全球市场形势下,它们变得越来越重要.

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MWR Exports 201

August 13

2:00pm-3:30pm CST


Join Expeditors and Cara Lemire, the Midwest Regional Trade Compliance Manager, 随着我们深入了解出口合规流程, including an overview of the U.S. export process and regulatory requirements.

Discussion Topics Include:

  • U.S. Export Control System
  • Government Agencies Involved in Export Control
  • Determining Regulatory Requirements
  • Overview of Classification
  • Export Management and Compliance Program

如果你今年早些时候参加了我们的出口合规101网络研讨会, this webinar is definitely for you!

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Customs Bonds: What Importers Need to Know

August 20

9:00am-10:00am PDT



你想知道什么是海关保证书吗?为什么海关需要保证书 & Border Protection?

进口商向美国海关提供保证书,以保证支付税款, tax, liquidated damages, 以及美国海关可能被授权收取的罚款,这些罚款涉及涉及该保证书所涵盖的进口产品的违规行为. 进口商是否没有支付海关可能提出的申索, 担保人将负责根据债券合同向CBP付款. 然后,担保公司将向进口商寻求退款.

现在,进口商比以往任何时候都面临着供应链内外的挑战. 随着贸易救济和反倾销案件的不断变化, 对于进口商来说,了解这些变化如何影响所需的海关保税是至关重要的.



  • What is a Customs Bond?
  • How to calculate and determine the Bond amount?
  • What is Bond Saturation & Sufficiency Level?
  • 债券堆积风险如何影响承销过程.
  • AD/CVD活动如何影响承保过程,您可以做些什么来降低承保风险.
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Import Process & Compliance Fundamentals

August 21

8:30am-12:00pm EST

Atlanta Expeditors. 2764 Anvil Block Road, Ellenwood GA 30294


与亚特兰大Expeditors的领导一起就进口流程和合规基础进行信息丰富的讨论. 深入了解文件和海关代理,并了解您的货物如何通过全球供应链导航. 在这个迷人的会议中,享受早上的咖啡和小吃,然后是午餐.

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Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Seminar

August 21

8:30am-12:30pm EST

Expeditors Boston - 795 Jubilee Drive Peabody, MA 01960

自动化商业环境(Automated Commercial Environment, ACE)门户包含的工具在进口商和出口商负责监控其交易活动时非常有用, obtaining information about filers and bonds, and reviewing liquidation and ISF accuracy, 然而,它的全部能力可能很难提取.  我们将提供在门户网站中处理您公司数据的提示和技巧, how to run and modify reports, 以及如何使用ACE系统来加强你的审计工作. 

Please bring your laptop 这样你就可以登录ACE并使用自己公司的数据进行练习. Get your ACE login and password by signing up at http://www.cbp gov/trade/automated

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Evolutions of US Customs Compliance Seminar

August 21

9:00am-12:00pm MST

350 N John Glenn Rd., Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84116


加入我们的盐湖城办事处,获得有关美国海关举措的核心贸易合规知识, regulations, and more with Ted Henderson. Ted is the Director of Customs, 并负责该战略, structure, 以及美国海关产品的运营. 泰德在国际贸易合规领域拥有超过25年的经验,在他的职业生涯中,他曾负责多个领域和倡议, including Customs brokerage, global trade compliance, 政府-企业供应链安全计划和美国对外贸易区. He is a licensed US Customs broker, 毕业于华盛顿大学杰克逊国际研究学院, and a US Army veteran.

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Staying ahead: U.S. Customs Compliance Seminar

August 22

9:00am-12:00pm EDT

快件克利夫兰- 18029克利夫兰Parkway克利夫兰,OH 44135

Please join Madeleine Veigel, Director of Customs, Americas at Expeditors, as she presents a Customs Market Update. 获得对不断变化的进口法规的宝贵见解,并学习如何驾驭复杂的海关程序.

投入到一个引人入胜的客户领导小组会议中, 您将在哪里发现并分享十大正规买球平台领先的实践.

Furthermore, representatives from Cleveland U.S. Customs & 边境保护局将随时待命,准备进行全面的问责&A session.

Please email any questions to Lauren Marshall. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 22, 2024, 从早上9点到晚上12点在克利夫兰快递店, located at 18029 Cleveland Parkway, Cleveland, OH 44135.

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SWR Supply Chain Security & Cargo Theft Mitigation

August 27

1:00pm-2:30pm PST



听取执法部门和Expeditors安全十大正规买球平台对供应链盗窃现状的看法. 本次研讨会的重点是帮助Expeditors客户了解当前的趋势和对其货物的威胁, how Expeditors' is working to prevent theft, 你可以采取积极的行动来限制漏洞.

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